Seawolf Park


Seawolf Park is a memorial to the USS Seawolf, a U.S. Navy Sargo-Class submarine, mistakenly sunk by U.S. Navy forces in 1944 during World War II. It is located on Pelican Island, just north of Galveston Island.

It is the home of the U.S. Navy Museum and two preserved U.S. Navy ships: the Gato-class submarine USS Cavalia, and the Edsall-class destroyer escort USS Stewart. The remains of the World War II tanker, SS. Selma, the largest concete ship constructed, can be seen northwest of the park’s fishing pier. Also preserved at the park is the conning tower of the Batao-class submarine USS Carp, and the sail of the Sturgeon-class nuclear attack submarine USS Tautag.

The park has a picnic area and a playground. Fishing is permitted on the pier for a small fee. There is also pedestrian access to the shoreline on either side of the park where anglers can fish for free. Fish that can be caught in the park area includes sand sea trout, speckled trout, catfish, drum and flounder.

Seawolf Park is accessible by car from Galveston. Just take 51st north to Pelican Island. The road deadness at the park.